Municipal Membership
DRBA Municipal and County Memberships serve to ensure that your community’s cultural and natural resources are protected, preserved and promoted. Your investment in DRBA is an investment in the economic vitality and health of your community.
DRBA is actively engaged in leveraging the economic potential of the region’s natural resources throughout the 16-county region it serves. DRBA and partners are planning, building and promoting a system of river access points, parks, and trails throughout the Dan River Basin that attract new businesses, families and tourists. DRBA’s activities promote learning, conservation and active lifestyles. The end result is an improved quality of life, a healthier community, and an attractive place in which to live and do business.
Thank you to the DRBA Municipal Members for your support and commitment to protecting our local watershed!
- City of Martinsville, VA
- Henry County, VA
- Town of Halifax, VA
- Halifax County, Halifax County Service Authority, VA
- Franklin County, VA
- Patrick County, VA
- Rockingham County, NC
- City of Eden, NC
- City of Reidsville, NC
- Town of Stoneville, NC
- Town of Mayodan, NC
- Town of Madison, NC
- Town of Wentworth, NC
You choose the benefits your community needs the most.
Those benefits may include:
- Annual visit with your local DRBA representative to discuss your community’s outdoor recreation plan and ways that DRBA can help implement it. Assistance may include trail and river access design, building, mapping, marketing, grant research/writing, program development, publication design, web and social media presence, Adopt a Trail and/or River Access group recruitment, volunteer recruitment, etc.
- Assistance with recreational use planning, environmental solutions and promotion.
- Calendar postings on DRBA’s website and E-Newsletter of your community’s outdoor recreational and cultural activities.
- Invitations to seminars and workshops that improve knowledge of environmental issues and skills.
- Free subscription to DRBA’s E-Newsletter and quarterly newsletter, Currents.
- Invitations to DRBA outings and events.
- Networking opportunities with other communities and best practice sharing.
Municipal & County Membership Form Download
Please complete and return to Dan River Basin, 413 Church Street, Eden, NC, 27288.