EE Fund

About DRBA's Environmental Education Fund

The Dan River Basin Association (DRBA) has provided environmental education programs to thousands of youth throughout the basin for nearly two decades.  From the root of DRBA's mission, DRBA seeks to provide environmental education for all youth, regardless of background and demographics, in hope that many will want to protect the resources of the basin for future generations.  The Environmental Education (EE) Fund includes programs such as Trout in the Classroom (TIC), Green Schoolyards, Streamside Trees in the Classroom (STIC), Tub of Bugs presentations, Forest School, Green Campus Initiatives, and classroom watershed-based presentations.

Through DRBA's EE programs, youth are reconnected with their community creating a sense of ownership and civic responsibility with environmental action projects.  A new excitement in education is found for many students with project-based, hands-on learning, and outdoor investigations. DRBA reaches nearly 8,000 youth annually with these experiences.  However, even with this progress over the last 20 years, DRBA still has more work to do and many more youth to reach throughout the basin.  

We cannot do this important work without your help.  Please join us by making a tax-deductible donation to the Environmental Education Fund today. Your gift will be dedicated to providing environmental education programs to all youth throughout the Dan River basin.  

Give to the EE Fund