Eco Learning Portal
Storm Drain Marking
Outdoor Activity (On/Off Campus)
Grade Level: elementary-school, middle-school, high-school
About: A Storm Drain Marking project is an opportunity for your students to become involved with community conservation and education by marking local storm drains to help bring awareness to the importance of "only rain down the drain."
Download Lesson: (Download All)
- Storm Drain Marking – Powerpoint Presentation
- Storm Drain Q&A
- Storm Drain Marking Checklist
- Storm Drain Cards
- Storm Drain Application
- DRBA Schoolyard Assessment 2019
Time: 2 – 4 class periods, 2-hour event field trip (if marking storm drain off school campus)
Grade Level/Curriculum Requirement: Grades 3-12
- Students will investigate and understand that water has a role in the natural and human-made environment.
- Students will investigate and understand that humans impact the environment.
- Students will understand that natural resources are important to protect and maintain.
- Students will understand that major health and safety issues are associated with air and water quality.
SOL Standards Correlation: 3.7, 3.8, 4.4, 4.8, 6.7, 6.8, 6.9, Bio.8, ES.6
Essential Standards: Ecosystems; Earth/Environmental
Time/Season: Storm drain marking events can be held September – October and April – May. Outside temperature must be between 60-75 degrees.
Supplied by DRBA – Storm Drain Stencil Kit:
- Stencil
- Spray Paint
- Safety Goggles
- Duct Tape
- Cloth Rags
- Disposable Gloves
- Whisk Broom & Wire Brush
- Traffic Cones (at least 2-3)
- Safety Vests
- Trash Bags (1 for trash, 1 for recyclables)
You will need to supply:
- Cardboard
- Water/refreshments if desired
First, think about where you would like to do your project and at what scale. Do you want to mark all storm drains in your neighborhood or by your school, or just a few? Complete the DRBA Schoolyard Assessment with your students to help get everyone thinking about your schoolyard. Also, be mindful of what date you choose to stencil drains - in order for the paint to dry properly, it must be 50 degrees Fahrenheit and dry outside.
Begin the Storm Drain project by reviewing the checklist and contacting DRBA to assist with locating and identifying storm drains available for marking in your community. Once location(s), date and time have been confirmed for your event, begin lesson component by providing the Storm Drain PowerPoint presentation to students. Provide the Storm Drain Q&A to students after the presentation. Schedule and pick-up your event supplies from a DRBA office.
Prior to the event, view the step-by-step procedure for storm drain marking. Ensure you have all supplies necessary. On the day of the event, make sure that every student is wearing a safety vest and can be seen by an adult at all times. Please share photographs and/or video clips with DRBA after the event.
After the event, ask students to write a short summary about 1) What they learned, 2) Describe their experience at the event, and 3) What they will do to help keep waterways clean. You can also use the Storm Drain Cards as a post-event activity which is appropriate for students K-4.
Helpful Info & Links:
Freddy the Fish Teaches About Stormwater (appropriate for K-5)
Only Rain in the Storm Drain (appropriate for K-5)
Stormwater to Drinking Water (appropriate 6-12)
Consider Taking the Clean Water Pledge
Consider Becoming a Water Protector