Eco Learning Portal
Green Schoolyard
Campus Program or Study
Grade Level: elementary-school, middle-school, high-school, college
About: A Green Schoolyard is an exciting hands-on project based program that allows students and teachers to create a green learning space on their campus. The Green Schoolyard can include items such as a rain barrel system, Monarch Waystation, weather monitoring station, or a vegetable garden.
Download Lesson: (Download All)
- How to Create Your Own Green Schoolyard PDF
- Schoolyard Assessment Tool PDF
- Create Your Own Coffee Can Composter PDF
Time: Creating a Green Schoolyard project is a multi-year project. It can be as in depth as you and your students want it to be, and can include mini-projects within the overall idea such as rain barrels, compost station, weather monitoring station, pollinator garden, or a campus storm drain marking. The great part about this project is that you and your students decide what you want to on your campus!
Grade Level/Curriculum Requirement: All grade levels
- Students will use the engineering process to design and build their own river cleaning device
- To make students aware that human activities can impact the health of a watershed system
- To make students understand that non-renewable resources can be managed
Standards Correlation: SOL: K.7, 1.5, 1.7, 1.8, 2.4, 2.5, 2.7, 2.8, 3.4, 3.5, 4.2, 4.8, 6.6, 6.8, 6.9, LS.5, LS.6, LS.7, LS.8, LS.9, LS.11, BIO.1, BIO.6, BIO.8, ES.8
Essential Standards: Ecosystems; Structures and Functions of Living Organisms
- How to Create Your Own Green Schoolyard PDF
- DRBA Schoolyard Assessment Tool PDF
- Create Your Own Coffee Can Composter PDF
Procedure: To begin creating a Green Schoolyard on your school campus, start by looking over the How to Create a Green Schoolyard PDF. You can then use the DRBA Schoolyard Assessment Tool with your students as a classroom activity to assess what your schoolyard has already and where you want to begin with your Green Schoolyard. This may mean starting the first year with a butterfly garden, vegetable garden, or rain barrel system. If you have questions about the process, you can contact Krista Hodges, Education Manager at DRBA can assist with the process of creating a Green Schoolyard, but it is important to know that with this project, you must plan to apply for grants and donations, or use school budget.
Helpful Info & Links:
Green Schoolyard Initiative SOL correlation
Environmental Education Impacts Students Future Careers PDF
Weather Station & Storm Drain Marking Video
Green Schoolyard Tour Video