News Articles
VA Save Our Streams Training - Field Day Session
May 3, 2022

Register Now for the VA SOS Field Day Training Session!
Become an official certified Virginia Save Our Streams water quality monitor to see how healthy your local streams are.
Date and time
Wed, June 22, 2022
12:00 PM – 4:00 PM EDT
South Martinsville River Access
184 Tensbury Drive
Martinsville, VA 24112
About this Event
VA Save Our Streams (SOS) is a fun way to test water quality by collecting and identifying underwater insects, called macroinvertebrates. The Izaak Walton League is partnering with the Dan River Basin Association to provide a workshop for those who wish to become a certified VA SOS Monitor and have their data utilized by the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality.
This is the second step in becoming a VA SOS monitor. Attendees must complete the online portion of the certification in order to attend the field day session. Space is limited - early registration is recommended for the field day session. Click here learn more and register!