Events - Saturday, March 4

2023 Annual Business Meeting

March 4, 2023
9:30 AM - 10:30 AM

You and your family and friends are invited to the 2023 Annual Business Meeting of the Dan River Basin Association (DRBA), beginning at 9:30 a.m. on Saturday, March 4, 2023. This will be an online Zoom meeting and registration is required.

The online meeting, free and open to the public, will highlight some of DRBA’s successes in 2022 and provide a sneak peek of what’s coming up in 2023. There will be a short business session that includes election of board members and a financial review of 2022.

NOTE: When you click on the REGISTRATION link below, you will be directed to a web page to register for the Annual Business Meeting. Once you register, you will be emailed a link to connect via Zoom on the date/time of the event. Your email and any data you enter for registering is private and will not be shared outside of DRBA and will be deleted after the meeting date. You can use a phone, laptop or computer to attend. You do not need a camera, but will need a microphone on the device you are using. High speed internet is not required, but you may experience a lapse in audiovisual if you are not using a strong connection to WIFI. 


At 1:30 in the afternoon, guests are invited to DRBA’s First Saturday Outing (FSO), a 2.5 mile guided walk at the Rockingham Community College (RCC) Campus, located in Wentworth, NC.  Click here to learn more.  Those joining the hike should dress accordingly and be prepared to sign a waiver.


Mar FSO RCC Hike

March 4, 2023
1:30 PM - 3:30 PM

The Dan River Basin Association (DRBA) invites the public to enjoy a hike in Rockingham County, NC at the Rockingham Community College (RCC) Campus, located in Wentworth, NC. A low-moderate, 2.5-mile, natural surface trail meanders through a wooded portion of the campus. RCC Trails officially opened back in 1974, but after a severe ice storm made much of the route impassable, the trails lay unused for years. In 2012 RCC’s president, Dr. Michael Helmick, explored the former route with college faculty and DRBA members who remembered the paths. The college partnered with DRBA to secure a grant from the Reidsville Area Foundation, and with DRBA’s expertise and technical support to complement that of the college, the trails were reopened and extended.

On March 2, 2013, Dr. Helmick, DRBA Executive Director Tiffany Haworth, DRBA Board President Fletcher Waynick, and Reidsville Area Foundation’s Donna Rothrock stretched a bright green ribbon across the trail kiosk and officially re-opened the rehabilitated trails. DRBA members then enjoyed a hike led by DRBA Director Mark Bishopric, who had spent many volunteer hours laying out the trails and advising the professional crew. “This is especially satisfying for me,” commented then DRBA board member T Butler. “Lindley and I used to walk our collies on the trails on Sunday afternoons. We loved the waterfalls, laurel banks, cliffside paths, wildflowers and birds, and the serene woodlands. Now others can enjoy these same pleasures.”

Hike coordinator, Will Truslow, comments, "This is a very pretty hike with much of it in mature hardwoods. We will hike a short distance off of the RCC trails to see the Wentworth Mineral Springs with the land-owner's permission.  This Mineral Springs was active in the 1890's when people would lodge in Wentworth at the Wright Tavern.  They would walk close to 2 miles to the spring to "take the waters" to improve their health.”   

Participants are asked to meet by 1:30 pm at the parking area for the Bishopric Lifelong Learning Center (GPS 36.383853, -79.758802), with the kiosk, located at 568 County Home Road (Google Maps LINK). The afternoon hike follows the mid-morning, virtual, DRBA Annual Business meeting. You will be asked to sign a waiver, bring lunch, drink, snacks, dress for the weather, hiking poles are a plus and leashed pets are welcome. This is not an ADA accessible trail.

DRBA’s First Saturday Outings are free and open to the public. For more information, contact
Will Truslow;; Cell # 336-314-5022    
If there are weather issues, visit by Friday, March 3, 2023, to determine whether the outing will be held. Outings and meetings of the Dan River Basin Association are open to the public without charge.