October FSO - Paddle the Mayo and Dan River

October 5, 2024
9:00 AM - 2:00 PM

IMPORTANT: We will meet at the TAKE-OUT at the Dan River Campground to consolidate into
fewer vehicles to go to the put-in. This is because of the small parking lot at the NC 135/Mayo River
Sate Park Access in Mayodan. Meet here at 9:00 am.

The October 5th DRBA First Saturday Outing will be a 5.5 mile, Class I paddle starting on the Mayo
River at the Mayo River State Park Access on NC 135 in Mayodan. We will paddle about 1.25 miles
on the Mayo River and then join the Dan River for the remainder of the paddle.


About the Paddle
This paddle is suitable for those with some paddling experience. Along the route, participants will
paddle through some of the best examples of intact bateau structures. Bateaux were 50 -60 feet long flat bottom boats that could carry up to five tons of commercial goods like corn, cotton, and tobacco up and down the river. They frequently were guided by enslaved persons and later by freed Blacks until railroads became the more common form of transport for commercial needs in the 1880s.
This is the first time DRBA will use the NC 135 Access. We will take-out at the Dan River
Campground through special permission. After we pass under the US 220 Bridge, in a ¼ mile we
start the 800-foot Slink Shoal rapid. For the bateaux to navigate this area in low water, crib wing
dams were built on each side of the river to make a deeper channel down the middle of the waterway.
These wooden and rock structures were built in the 1820s and are still intact. Further downstream is
the Lone Island Ford which was used by General Greene after the Battle of Guilford Courthouse.
This Ford was in use from circa 1769-1868 when the Settle’s covered bridge was completed. Near to where we take-out, was the Jacobs Creek Bateau Landing and is listed on the National Register of Historic Places as being part of the Dan River Navigational System. Alexander Martin built his home called Danbury near here along Jacobs Creek. Alexander Martin was the 4th and 7th NC Governor.

What to Know: 

This paddle will start at 9:00 am at the take-out at the Dan River Campground at 724 Webster Road
Stoneville, NC GPS: 36.39557°N, 79.88768°W Google Maps

Participants must supply their own boat, paddles, life jackets, water and lunch or snacks. It is recommended to wear artificial fabric and not cotton clothing as the synthetic fabrics are better when wet. It is best to bring a change of clothing for after the paddle. All participants will be required to sign a waiver. DRBA’s First Saturday Outings are free and open to the public. For more information, contact Keith Elliot at 336-613-2966 or by email at keithmale1@gmail.com.


Outings and meetings of the Dan River Basin Association are open to the public without charge.

For information about the Dan River Basin Association, visit www.danriver.org.


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