June FSO - Hike at P&H CC
June 3, 2023
1:30 PM - 3:00 PM

DRBA’s June First Saturday Outing (FSO) will be a 2 +mile hike on the new trail being constructed on the Patrick & Henry Community College Campus starting at 1:30pm.
The hike will follow DRBA’s Annual Celebration event at the Frith Building on campus.
This new trail has been funded by the Eco Ambassador Council (EAC), a coalition of regional businesses that collectively invest in environmental projects that make a positive impact for the communities in the Dan River Basin. The EAC members include Blair Construction, Carter Bank & Trust, Clark Gas & Oil, Frith Construction, Hooker Furnishings, Jones & DeShon Orthodontics, Lester Group, and Pickle & Ash Restaurant. For more information about joining the EAC, please click HERE.
DRBA’s Annual Celebration, the Ribbon Cutting and the FSO are all open to the public and free of charge.
DRBA is on MEETUP! Sign up for free and never miss a DRBA outing!
NOTE: If for any reason the event needs to be cancelled, visit www.danriver.org by Friday, June 2, 2023 to determine whether the outing will be held. Outings and meetings of the Dan River Basin Association are open to the public without charge.
Address: 645 Patriot Ave, Martinsville, VA 24112