Rain Barrel Conversion Workshop - Conserve Our Water
April 25, 2023
5:30 PM - 7:30 PM
Registration is open and space is limited! Sponsored by the The Community Foundation of the Dan River Region - DRBA will be holding a Rain Barrel Conversion Workshop at Ballad Brewing in Danville.
Date: April 25, 2023
Time: 5:30 – 7:30pm
Location: Ballad Brewing, 600 Craghead Street, Danville, VA
You must pay in advance to attend the workshop. Cost is $10. Please limit to ONE REGISTRATION PER PERSON (1 RAIN BARREL). We want as many people as possible to be able to attend. If registration count goes over 20 for this workshop, we will put people on the waiting list for the fall workshop.
To register / purchase a rain barrel, visit: https://www.danriver.org/support-drba/shop/shop-our-products
You’ll learn all about using rain barrels and get everything you need to have your very own rain barrel for your home or office: 55-gallon barrel, supplies, instruction & guide are provided. Space is very limited. Please plan to take your rain barrel with you. One rain barrel will be provided for one registration. If space runs out for this workshop, there will be another workshop held this fall 2023.
Please share with others you think might be interested! For questions, please reach out to Krista Hodges at khodges@danriver.org.