Feb FSO Red Tail Hawk Trail
February 4, 2023
10:00 AM - 1:00 PM

The Dan River Basin Association invites the public to enjoy a mid-winter hike in Person County, NC at Mayo Lake Park on the 2.5-mile loop trail, the Red Hawk Trail. The natural surface trail is rated low moderate for gentle elevation change and for exposed roots and rocks along its well-worn length. The wooded, hilly terrain offers excellent views of the lake as the trail circles along the shore. The park, located 8 miles east of Roxboro and 3 miles from the Virginia line, is named for Major William Mayo, a member of William Byrd’s 1728 survey party. Established in 1996, the park includes about six miles of hiking trails. An additional point of interest along the trail is the 1/10th mile Sappony Spring Trail. The Sappony Indians, also known as the Indians of Person County, likely utilized the spring as a drinking water source while inhabiting the area.
Participants are asked to meet by 10:00 am at the Environmental Education parking area. You will be asked to sign a waiver, bring lunch, drink, snacks, dress for the weather, hiking poles are a plus and leashed pets are welcome. The exposed roots and rolling terrain along this trail prevent it from being ADA accessible. Hike coordinators and DRBA members, Sonya Wolen and Wayne Kirkpatrick, find the trail inviting for a relaxed hike along the lake shore.
Early February in the eastern portion of the Dan River Basin is a great time to enjoy the outdoors! Birders should bring their binoculars as the mixed wood forest hosts a variety of species.
The park is located at 1013 Neal’s Store Road, Roxboro, NC 27574; GPS for the Environmental Center parking area is 36.479187, -78.874453. Please note that the parking area at the Environmental Center is accessed from the second park entrance sign. For additional park information, please check the following links: https://www.personcountync.gov/home/showpublisheddocument/5221/636223387579130000
GPS: 36.479187, -78.874453 Google Maps Link
DRBA’s First Saturday Outings are free and open to the public. For more information, contact Wayne Kirkpatrick; wynbtyk@embarqmail.com; 540-570-3511.
Weather can be tricky this time of year. Please visit www.danriver.org by Friday, February 3, 2023, to determine whether the outing will be held. Outings and meetings of the Dan River Basin Association are open to the public without charge.