Call-in Day January 10: Tell Legislators to Keep the Ban on Uranium Mining in Virginia
January 10, 2013
At the Coal and Energy Commission meeting this week, members voted on a motion by Vice-Chair Senator Watkins to "recommend to the General Assembly that legislation be enacted that codifies a statutory framework for the permitting of uranium mining so that appropriate regulations may be promulgated by the respective state agencies.
At the meeting, Senator Watkins referenced the legislation he plans to bring and said it should be going to the Senate Commerce and Labor Committee. The members of that committee that NEED to hear from you are: Chair - Watkins, Colgan, Saslaw, Norment, Stosch, Edwards, Wagner, Newman, Puckett, Herring, Martin, Obenshain, Stuart, McWaters, and Stanley. We also anticipate Alexander will be appointed to fill Yvonne Miller's seat on the committee.