High School Students Reflect on TIC Experience the First Time
December 20, 2019
Ms. Cameron Kolinski is a teacher at Bassett High School in Henry County. Her classroom has many animals already including a bearded dragon, puppies, and a rabbit, but this year, they joined the Trout in the Classroom program. Ms. Kolinski explained that her students had requested to participate in TIC, so she contacted DRBA staff immediately to become involved. They now have alevins in their classroom and have started to care for the trout, but this time is much different than when they participated in elementary school.
The students shared with DRBA and Ms. Kolinski about their experience with Trout in the Classroom in elementary school. They said their favorite experience from the program was the field trip and releasing the trout. One young lady said, “I had a blast of actually getting into the water with them.” Ms. Kolinski commented, “With this program and their age now they have become more aware of the importance of keeping our rivers and streams clean.”
The students have been actively involved in taking care of the trout which includes testing the water quality and removing the dead eggs. “They have removed around 30 dead eggs, which is normal for this stage of the program,” says Krista Hodges, Education Manager. The students receive around 200 eggs from the Wytheville State Fish Hatchery with the Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries in early December.
Ms. Kolinski wraps up the discussion, “We have enjoyed all of the additional visitors from fellow staff and students who come in daily to check on the trout. Our School Resource Officer has also played an important role in assisting with the overall care for the trout, with coming in to check on them as well as showing him how to remove the dead eggs. The students look forward to the trout being released from the basket once they get back from break.”
The students will release the trout into an approved location at the Smith River in Bassett in the spring. To learn more about DRBA’s Environmental Education programs, visit https://www.danriver.org/programs/environmental-education/for-educators or contact Krista Hodges, Education Manager at khodges@danriver.org.