February 5, 2014

Coal Ash Spill - Water Quality & Safety Information

Below are links to public statements about water quality and safety from City of Danville, the North Carolina Department of Energy and Natural Resources (NCDENR) and Duke Energy. Duke University graduate students took independent water samples Tuesday, February 4 and DRBA will post a link to those results as soon as they become available.

City of Danville --"water leaving the city’s treatment facility meets public health standards, based on testing done by Duke Energy. City of Danville's WQ results should be released sometime today." 

NCDENR -- "no deviation from normal levels of temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen and conductivity due to the release of water and ash from the facility’s coal ash impoundment." 

Duke Energy

River Access Safety Information: Because of increased activity due to the coal ash spill on the Duke Energy property, recreational use of the river between the Wildlife Access on Bethlehem Church Road and the Draper Landing Access on Highway 700 E. is not recommended.