About DRBA
The Dan River Basin Association preserves and promotes the natural and cultural resources of the Dan River Basin through stewardship, recreation and education.
The Dan River Basin Association envisions an economically vibrant bi-state community with a regional identity, where people enjoy easy access to healthy rivers, parks, trails and heritage attractions.
The Dan River Basin Association works to: preserve the river corridor with a series of municipal, county, and state parks and trails; increase public access to rivers; build constituency for the rivers and outdoor recreation through monthly outings; protect water quality by instituting stream monitoring across the Basin; promote regional nature and heritage tourism; and bridge boundaries to create a bi-state borderland community.
The Dan River Basin Association has four key program areas:
Promote stewardship by encouraging policies and practices that support healthy water and clean air throughout the Dan River Basin.
Improve opportunities for river- and trail-based recreation throughout the Dan River Basin.
Provide education and outreach regarding the history and significance of the natural and cultural treasures of the Dan River Basin and the importance of restoring and preserving these resources.
Regional Identity
Promote a regional identity and support regional tourism based on the shared river heritage of communities throughout the Dan River Basin.
Download the Dan River Basin Association Brochure